Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Before the Music Dies

My dear friend Steve sent me this link quite some time ago, because he thought of me when he saw it. I have been incredibly busy with school for the last few months and only just had time to sit and watch it. If you are a music lover, then you need to see this film. It's an hour and a half and it has some ten and fifteen second commercial breaks, but it is well worth it. Please... Please check this out. It is so on point.Hulu - Before the Music Dies - Watch the full feature film now.


I only wish I had thought of it myself. This woman dreaded her high school reunion so much that she hired a stripper to go for her. Armed with an earpiece, fake glasses and someone with a video camera the stripper went to the reunion. Andrea Wachner watched on a monitor in a hotel room, all the while prompting the stripper what to say. Might have to save that one for my 20th reunion. I don't keep up with anyone from high school anyway. No one would ever know. Stripper High School Reunion Make sure you watch the CNN video link. It is actual footage from the reunion and the hotel room where Andrea is watching.

The 83 year-old yoga instructor

You know I just can't help but root for old people who are still rockin' it out. It just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, and for those who know me, that is quite a feat. It's the same kind of feeling I get watching the Underdog at the Olympics who is dead last in the race and never had a shot, but finished it anyway. The Jamaican Bobsled team their first year that kind of thing. The ones that have nothing but honor and the country flag to keep them through the end of the race. Gosh... I am getting all teary just thinking about all those stories. (dramatic pause and sigh here)
Ok, back to business. 83 year-old Bette Calman, not only still does yoga at her age, but she teaches up to 11 yoga classes a week. She even says she has no thought of slowing down. I can't do what she does now at my age... might be because my center of gravity is my very large gut/butt. That and I might suffocate if I tried to curl up like that. At the very least I would definitely pull something. I think it is pretty amazing, kind of like the 72 year old that ran down the teenager who stole her purse. Work it ladies!!!

Stripper attacked with Stiletto

This story is really sad, and hilarious at the same time.

First of all the attack. A stripper on her first day on the job was attacked after coming off stage. The rival stripper repeatedly hit the new girl in the face with a stiletto. The woman had to get seven staples after the attack. I am curious to know if they gave her a tetanus shot, a rabies shot and some antibiotics. Have you ever seen what the floor of a strip club looks like?

OK, moving on. Bitches are crazy, and stripper bitches are even crazier. They are drunk or high half the time, and both the rest of the time. Now I know, I know, you're saying not all of them are like that. Some of them are really nice girls. And I am am saying, come back when you know what the heck you are talking about.

Last, (this is the sad part) the woman had taken the job because money is tight right now and she needed the extra money. Yes, money is tight for everyone right now... but at this woman's age I hope she is doing it to help support a family. The article starts out with "A 52 year-old woman was..."

Yes... 52... not a misprint. Which leads back to the whole rabies shot and antibiotic question. Because unless you look like Renee Russo at 50 (see Renee Russo Post March 26) Then I am pretty sure that at 52 you are working in a real creepy, crappy and very dimly lit place filled with drunk, toothless old men. I mean really... what makes you think that stripping at age 52 is a good idea?

But see for yourself
Stripper Attacked by Rival

Just one more reason to not have kids

I didn't really need another excuse not to have kids, but this one is a doozie. I mean... suck. A 21 year old British woman developed a rare disorder after giving birth; an allergy to water. And it is water in any form. She can't drink coffee or tea because her throat will swell. She can't bathe without breaking out in a weeping rash. She can't hug someone who is crying or sweating. She can't hold her baby in case he drools on her, as babies are wont to do. I can think of a lot of allergies that suck, but I am pretty sure this one takes the cake. And it is all because she reproduced. As if child birth isn't risky enough....woman with water allergy - AOL Health

More News from the World of Stupid

Caught with his pants down:

A man in Michigan was caught by police and sentenced to 90 days for having sex with a car wash vacuum. I guess in these hard economic times a prostitute is just too expensive.vacuum sex act


Found this one on FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments. Good stuff on there, you should check it out!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I haven't posted in a while and it will be a bit before I do. It's exam time and all those papers are now due and I must study! But I will say with vehemence, I do not want to write papers OR study!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cereal Evaluation

I went to the grocery store last night after work to pick up a few things, first and foremost being dinner. While I was there I picked up a couple things that I needed like milk, and cereal. As I am starving and walking down the cereal aisle I spot Cinnabon Cereal. For just a brief moment I turned into Homer Simpson. Ooooooo Cinnabon.... So I dropped it and some Ingles brand Frosted Mini wheats into the basket. (The Ingles brand was the only variety that did not have HFCS in it.)

So this morning I go to the cereal cabinet to get my Cinnabon cereal. I am looking forward to some cinnamony good crunchies for breakfast. I smile to myself as I pour the little cinnamon roll shaped cereal into the bowl. Add milk and get ready.... Ugh. The cereal is barely sweetened and tastes NOTHING like a Cinnabon cinnamon roll. I actually had to add sweetener to it. So should you see this very tempting name brand in the cereal aisle and think you might want to try it, let me save you the trouble. Just pass it up and grab a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am just disgusted by this

I read a story a few days ago from Afghanistan. I saved the article so that I could appropriately give blog time to it. It made me angry on not only a personal level, but on the broader human level. And just when I have the time to devote to the first story, yet another story pops up from Afghanistan. And it just pisses me off. At what point will we take off the blinders and leave the carrot to rot? There are some really terrible things going on in the world and we don't want to see it. The media brushes past it with barely a glance. They are much more concerned about what kind of dog Obama got, what it's name was, and whether he broke a promise to get a rescue dog. I just get sick of the media some days. Ok, most days. They want to show the coffins of the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives to try and change the very atrocities I am talking about, so that they can put a negative spin on it. It drives me batty.

Ok so here are the stories.

The first is a story of a 19 year old girl and a 21 year old boy who tried to go to Iran to elope. The couple was turned in by their parents. Villagers were sent, apprehended the couple, and took them back to their home. They were then, in a matter of days, convicted of immoral acts. After which, they were placed in front of a Taliban firing squad and shot with AK-47's. All because they were in love and tried to elope. Americans think they have it bad. Afghan Couple Executed

The next one is about ridiculous brain washing. As if the above story about parents who would rather have their children killed than elope isn't.
300 women in Afghanistan were protesting. ( I have to add here that thank God some of them are standing up for themselves. Revolution has to start with them breaking the chains on their minds first and foremost)
" The law, passed last month, says a husband can demand sex with his wife every four days unless she is ill or would be harmed by intercourse — a clause that critics say legalizes marital rape. It also regulates when and for what reasons a wife may leave her home alone."

I just want to scream , and I want to hug and support every woman who stood against this. The women who were protesting the law were stoned by 1,000 Afghans who swarmed them. The police were hard pressed to keep the two groups apart. I am surprised that the police didn't just massacre the protesters the way they run things over there. Thank God for small decencies and civil rights. Afghans Stone Women

This is what is going on in the world and we pay no attention.

Blowin' In The Wind
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Copyright ©1962; renewed 1990 Special Rider Music

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Polar Bears aren't really like the Coca-Cola Bears

You may have already seen this, but I had to add my two cents to it. A woman at the Berlin Zoo in Germany decided to ignore the wall around the Polar Bear enclosure. Then the bears did what bears do. They protected their territory by attacking the intruder. You see, the cute cuddly bears we see in the commercials at Christmas aren't real. (In case you missed that) Well apparently the chick in Germany did miss that fact. If you scroll through the pictures there is one of her treading water and looking quite pleased with herself. I am guessing she quit being pleased with herself when the bears attacked. Polar Bear Attack at Zoo
That's all for today's episode of News from the World of Stupid.

Sword fight to the death

No, this is not one of the stories from the fantasy books I read. This is real news. 77 year old Franziska Stegbauer was stabbed while trying to break up a sword fight between her grandson and brother- in-law. Both men were also hospitalized with stab wounds. These two must have spent way too much time at DragonCon or something. Sword fighting is so 1580's. The cool kids moved on from sword fighting years ago. Grandma Sword Fight Death

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Summer is coming

For all the ladies out there it is time we consider the bathing suit presentation. Schick Quatro now has a bikini trimmer version of the razor out that is supposed to be suited to this very purpose. The commercials are funny. I am sure they are only for the UK since the US would be up in arms. One is titled "mow the lawn" the musical and the other is "trim the bushes." Too funny not to check out!Mow Your Lawn - The Schick Bikini Razor Commercials - StyleList Fashion Blog

Friday, April 10, 2009

Will commute for food

It's a dog eat dog world out there. Ok I just couldn't resist the bad pun and you'll understand in a minute. The following story is very unusual. It seems that in Russia after the collapse of Communism, the stray dogs had to get creative to find food. So what would any smart dog in a newly found capitalist country do? Why commute of course. These dogs have a place where they stay at night. The problem is that it is in the suburbs. There is not much scavenging for stray dogs in the suburbs. So they had to find a way into town to get food. These dogs have learned to take the Subway trains. They even know which stop they get off and on at. They are really quite smart. They get on the trains and usually go to the last car where it is less crowded. They take a nice nap on the seats and then once in town it is time to hunt. The dogs have developed several strategies, but the most popular is the scare tactic they use. They go to where there are sidewalk food kiosks and wait till someone buys food. Once the person is casually walking away the dog will go up behind them and bark loudly to startle the person into dropping the food. Presto! Lunch! This goes on all day, and in the evenings the dogs get back on the subway, and go home. And we think we are the higher species. They get a hot meal a couple times a day for free and don't have to buy a subway ticket. Now granted they are homeless dogs... but it doesn't seem they do too badly I think. But check it out for yourself. There's pictures and all. Just keep in mind that the article is translated into English. It is perfectly understandable, but there are a few grammar mishaps. But who am I to point fingers at grammar mistakes, I just started this sentence with but.Today's Cry - Moscow's Stray Dogs Ride Subways, Are Super Geniuses [PICS + VIDEO] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos,...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane....

I have a favorite foodie blog that I read called Accidental Hedonist. Now I don't read every article, but there are often some tasty looking recipes on there that I will put in the "I will make that one of these days" slot in my head. They also post some food related political stuff that I enjoy reading like articles on the whole Foie Gras ban etc (or however you spell it). But today there was a post on airline travel that I thought was interesting. And I thought you might enjoy it as well. It is a reminiscent view of how plane travel used to be, but is no more.

Are The Years of Happy Travel Behind Us?
04/09/09 @ 05:58:39 pm, by Jennifer Heigl 22 views • Categories: Travel, Transportation & Travel, Air

Remember the days when flying used to be enjoyable? So often we travel to faraway places and talk about our fabulous destinations, the wonderful food, the beautiful views. But when was the last time you had something nice to say about getting there?
On Sunday, returning from a family wedding in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to upgrade to the First Class cabin. Funny enough, though I was excited initially, I was nearly saddened once I arrived at my window at 2A. My faux leather seat felt more like a soft recliner and less like a scratchy fortress. A fresh bottle of water awaited me on the armrest tray. And the cheerful flight attendant happily brought me a soft, dark blue blanket and pillow to curl up with during my flight.
But what made me sad was remembering that this was how it once was when you flew, no matter what class you were in. I've traveled quite a bit in my short thirty-two years, and I remember the days when it was a great adventure. The stewards and stewardesses (you used to be able to call them that) would provide a whole assortment of logo-ed entertainment knickknacks, from plastic airline wings to decks of playing cards. They would smile and greet you enthusiastically upon entering and exiting the plane. They would even offer to grab drinks without the formal beverage service.
I gazed longingly at the empty spaces where television screens once hung from the cabin ceiling. I remember how much I used to love boarding the plane with my favorite magazine in hand, pulling the freely provided in-flight headphones from their plastic casings in the seat pocket in front of me, plugging them into the armrests, and connecting to the whole world of airline radio. If I was lucky, it'd be a long flight, and those marvelous TV screens would flicker mid-flight, offering movies and short television clips.
As I noshed on a warm piece of chicken and salad from my first class perch, I even thought about how nice it was to receive a hot meal during your flights. Back in the day, it didn't matter - First Class, Business Class, Coach Class. Everyone received tray and a smile. Even if it wasn't the best meal in the world, there was an edible salad or not-so-stiff roll. Before they started to cut meals, airlines were even venturing more in the natural and organic market, offering local, healthier items.
Now, you're lucky if they're selling a cold box of cheese and crackers.
Gazing at my fellow passengers - they didn't look any happier in First Class than they did in Coach - I wondered if we'll ever get back to that appreciation of travel, or if airlines will continue to squish us out of our comfort zones. It seems like each time I fly, the attendants are grumpier and grumpier, and the amenities are less and less. Some airlines, like Alaska and Frontier, have adjusted their cabins to make them more user-friendly, keeping the few blankets and pillows still available and even installing personal TVs in the case of Frontier, but the comforts of travel seem to be falling to the wayside. Will we eventually stop traveling due to the hassle and discomfort of getting to our destinations?

Just an observation

I have to say that those of you who faithfully read this blog (Thank you) never comment on the posts I expect. A lot of times I put or say stuff just to get a rise out of someone one. I seem to be failing miserably at this, because inevitably you all post comments on the stories I don't particularly think you will find interesting enough to make the effort to comment on. That's all. Just an observation. I'm just sayin'


I have a "flair" on my Facebook page that says "The pain will end when it stops hurting." It made me giggle. Redundancy can often be amusing or even sarcastic if used properly. I was browsing through some Internet articles this evening and came upon an article about the late Kurt Cobain's estate. It seems that those Cobain left his estates to, have robbed it blind. There are now federal authorities and attorneys and accountants involved to try and recover what has been pilfered. This to me was not the truly interesting part. What I found amusing was the quote that Courtney Love's attorney made to the Press. Now this is a woman who used the word turpitude properly. (Which for those of you like me who don't know the word but like to learn new words- it means: { as a noun-} vile, shameful, or base character; depravity or a vile or depraved act.) She then brilliantly says "Courtney noticed the money was gone when there wasn't any left." Might as well say that the number one killer in America is death... tell your friends.
Millions Reportedly Looted From Kurt Cobain Estate -

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It is now illegal to carry cash onto planes

I will admit my ignorance about the Liberty group that was involved with this encounter. But the fact remains that the TSA agents were clearly trying to bully this man with their authority. TSA detains man for carrying cash

Why not?

Obama has run us into Trillions of dollars in debt to bail out companies who are still paying CEO benefits in the millions. He has guaranteed us 13 dollars a paycheck to break the current economic crisis. He has said that it is ok to take body parts from full term abortions and Frankenstein them on living children. So I kind of have to agree with Carlos Santana, and ask Obama to do something good for a "change." Legalize weed so that we can at least get taxes and revenue going, instead of sinking millions of dollars into a losing battle fighting it. Carlos Santana Tells Obama to Legalize Pot -

Man's feet cutoff to fit coffin

I can't even begin to say how many rules of humanity this case breaks. I just... well read for yourself. Corpse Cut to Fit Coffin

More news from the world of stupid

Steven Lamensdorf has been arrested for giving a bottle of rum to his fourteen year old gymnastic student. This was no twisted tale of a creepy guy trying to get a girl drunk so that he could do bad things. This was the moron's way of rewarding the child for nailing a difficult maneuver in the gym. There is a reason why it is illegal for a fourteen year old to drink. Bad things will happen because they are too young to understand what they are doing. Of course the fourteen year old had to go to the hospital,one could assume from alcohol poisoning, after being given the rum. And of course the coach was fired. He has been charged with child endangerment and unlawfully dealing with a child. What about the charge for bad decisions and the charges of being too stupid to live? Coach Accused Of Giving Rum To Teen - FanHouse

Stupid people

There is a reason that there are no smoking signs all around gas pumps. The fumes will catch on fire as easily, if not more so, than the gas itself. This idiot learned the hard way that this was true. I have to say I am having trouble finding sympathy for the guy. Stupid should hurt. Man Catches Fire Gas Station