Thursday, June 11, 2009

News from Captain Obvious...

Can't you just hear the announcer's voice say that?

"And now for news from Captaaaaaiiiin OOOOObvious...."

I think that since we have sections in my blog for News from the World of Stupid,and many Episodes of Good Idea, Bad Idea it is time to add a new classification of "news."

So I now bring to you the first episode of News from Captaaaaaiiiiinnn OOOOObvious...

Mia Washington gave birth to twin boys almost a year ago. It was wonderful, until she noticed that the older the boys got, the more different they looked. Most people would just assume it was a freak genetic thing and go on about life. Mia went and got a DNA test. Why you ask? Well she knew she did the naughty with someone other than her "baby daddy" So it Seems like what had happened was...
She had slept wif two different mens at the same time and got pregnant by both of them... at the same time.
There is a happy ending. The father of one of the twins says he has forgiven Mia and will raise the other boy as his own. Awww yay.... but wait... Mia would like to offer everyone some sage advice...

"I'm trying to let everybody else know: Don't put yourself in my shoes, because it can hurt and it does hurt, but you still have to go on with life"

Well Thank you Captain Obvious.... getting pregnant by two men at the same time... bad idea. Who knew?

This concludes your first episode of News from Captaaaaaiiiiinnnnn OOOOObvious....

1 comment:

Alastair McCandless said...

I read one a long time back about a white woman who gave birth to a black twin and a white twin. Don't think they needed a DNA test on that one.